Friday 16 December 2011

Time for you to vote for your winning editorial...


We want you all to go onto the blog over the next month and give

your peers feedback on their editorials. You can do this as many

times as you like!

At the same time, you will have 3 votes for your top 3 favourite editorials

1st = 3 points

2nd = 2 points

3rd = 1 point

The highest number of points wins the people’s choice award!

Post your comments and feedback to the blog, but to keep your votes

completely private please email them to me by Monday 9th of January

Bonus Editorials - Nathan Jeffries

Bonus Editorials - Patrick

Editorial Ten - Mary Rawlings

Editorial Ten - Stephanie Putt

Editorial Ten - Stephen Kirby

Editorial Ten - James Marsh

Editorial Ten - Kyle

Editorial Ten - Tom Hindes

Editorial Ten - Lucie Bond

Editorial Ten - Tanya Bishop

Editorial Ten - Toby Allen

Editorial Ten - Ben Hawke

Editorial Nine - Stephen Clifford

Editorial Nine - Briony Cloke

Editorial Nine - Cindy Arscott

Editorial Nine - Cindy Arscott

Editorial Nine - Emma Dewar

Editorial Nine - Lisa Boyd

Editorial Nine - Lisa Boyd

Editorial Nine - Melissa Thomas

Editorial Eight - Izzy Drury

Editorial Eight - Jo Birkett

Editorial Eight - Penny Taylor

Editorial Eight - Liam Read

Editorial Eight - Kate Stephenson

Editorial Eight - Izzy Drury

Editorial Eight - Ben Hawke

Editorial Eight - James Marsh

Editorial Eight - Stephen Clifford

Editorial Eight - Mary Rawlings

Editorial Eight - Melissa Hockings

Editorial Seven - Liam Read

Editorial Seven - Patrick

Editorial Seven - Stephen Kirby

Editorial Seven - Tess Palmer

Editorial Seven - Wayne Barker

Editorial Seven - Kyle

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Editorial Six - James Marsh

Editorial Six - Tom Hindes

Editorial Six - Cindy Arscott

Editorial Six - Jo Birkett

Editorial Six - Lisa Boyd

Editorial Six - Penny Taylor

Editorial Six - Lewis Richards

Editorial Five - James Marsh

Editorial Five - Cindy Arscott

Editorial Five - Cindy Arscott

Editorial Five - Kyle

Editorial Five - Stephen Kirby